24 Hour Hotline 845-354-2627
Mid Hudson TestimonialsTestimonials

"Everybody is willing to help you, regardless of what you need."Malka
"I wasn't sure how I was going to get to my doctor's appointment, no one was available to drive me or go with me. Someone suggested I call Mid-Hudson Community Senior Services and within one hour the appointment was set up, the van was waiting and a volunteer was there to accompany me. She even took me food shopping afterwards. Mid-Hudson Community Senior Services is a life saver." Alice
"When my husband and I decided to move abroad, the only hesitation we had was leaving my father alone. He told me, don't worry. I have Mid-Hudson Community Senior Services. The people at Mid-Hudson Community Senior Services are my family. I can now rest easy at night knowing that someone is there to help my father with anything he needs. " Ruth
"I look forward to the seniors lunch days. It gives me a reason to get dressed and go out. One feels that as a person, one matters, that one is taken care of." Sara
"The staff are very courteous and friendly, easy to get along with, easy to get along with, they answer my questions and are very helpful." Martha
"I am taken on regular, bi-weekly appointments to the Hospital. Toby, my personal volunteer, guides me out of the car and into my wheelchair. She then takes me to my doctor's appointment (which lasts a few hours) and stays with me for the duration. She treats me like she is my daughter." Elka
"The food is delicious, much better than mine! I know at least twice a week I am getting treated to a hot healthy meal with all the trimmings." Leah
"Since I have terrible arthritis in my hands, I am no longer able to knit. My eyesight is not great so reading is out. I was so happy when someone told me about Mid-Hudson Community Senior Services' DVD program. I finally have something to break up the boredom of my day and I don't even have to leave the house if I don't want to." Miriam